MPWRD Challenge
Prepare for this 5 day MPWRD Challenge where we will give you everything you need to clarify your "Why" and EMPOWER you to make your positive impact on your community!
Day 1 - Fast Action Sheet
Day 1 Mindset Session
Day 1 After-Session
Day 2 - Fast Action Sheet
Day 2 Purpose Session
Day 2 Purpose Session
Day 2 Hot Seat with Greta
Day 3 - Fast Action Sheet
Day 3 Wealth Session
Day 3 Hot Seat with Hailey
Day 3 Hot Seat with Omega
Day 4_ Fast Action Sheet
Day 4 Resourcefulness Session
Day 4 SUPER MPWRD After-Session
Day 5_ Fast Action Sheet
Day 5 Decide and Commit Session
Community Hot Seat, Closing, and Raffle!
Please complete this survey!